Health: Knee trouble Previous Next


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With Dr. Franco. He took x-rays first, of course, of both knees since my left knee occasionally feels uncomfortable. He looked it over and said both look good, with plenty of space, even when I was bending my legs and putting pressure on it. Should be plenty of healthy cartilage, etc. He did an exam and found it interesting when I balanced on one leg, both sides. It was difficult and he said I need to get into PT to strengthen my hips and showed me why it matters when I run. He thinks I have some tissue that's irritated, the plica. So he referred me to a PT clinic by and for runners. If needed, I'll go in next month for a cortisone shot. At some point in the future I may need an MRI to see if I do in fact have the extra plica because some people are born with it and some aren't. and what all's going on in there. He's cautiously optimistic I should be able to run NYC and for another 20 years!
