Swim: Mixed Previous Next


6:56 AM

1 mi


0:04 / 100yd


8 / 10
5 / 10


Swim started out really rough. Couldn't catch my breath and kept having to flip on my back and did a bit of breast stroke. Finally got my rhythm and got my steady free style. Terrible siting. I swear I probably swam a mile and a quarter as I was so zig zaggy. On the exit, took a huge spill, the sand crossed a blacktop path and it was covered with wet sand, I lost my footing and BOOM went down hard on my right side. Knee and elbow scraped, sand EVERYWHERE and a large crowd yelling OOHH doesn't do a load for your confidence heading to the bike, but I trucked on :)

Was surprised and pleased to see the 55 minute time at the end of the run to T1, even after the spill!
