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9:40 AM

4 mi


9:29 mi


175 lb
  • Map

<No name>


Busy weekend, DMB at Starlake, walked through the Strip on Saturday and Zabawa Sunday.

Unique run, and in 93% humidity in mid 70s again ha

Went straight out vineyards towards Davison for the first time and just took it all the way. Turns out starting right at vineyards and doing a full loop was about 1.98 miles so tried that twice and finished a little on Avis. Miles 1/3 had more hill, definitely a nice stretch of hill the last bit of mile 2 through first half mile of 3.

Will try 4 days this week, also half of this run was on the pavement so that was new. Hours later and feels sore as usual but decent

HR 168 max 185, inching lower, candence wasn’t quite there at 171 today

1/2 19:24 2nd 18:42

1: 9:50.7

2: 9:22.9

3: 9:33.7

4: 9:08.2
