Run: Easy Previous Next


10:10 AM

2.8 mi


8:56 mi


175 lb
  • Map

<No name>


Okay so it’s still muggy buuttt got my first back to back and sub 9 since late May, wooo!

Actually foot is quite sore this morning and I’m not if it’s more attributable to running or standing for coaching basketball for 2 hours, I’m starting to lean towards the latter but maybe that’s just hopeful although it’ll be awhile before that’s over.

Anyways, muggy, did that new 2 mile vineyard loop then the regular vineyard loop and back towards home so about half pavement/vineyard again.

Got tired towards the end and didn’t stretch the strides. Did go longer than the 2.5 I expected.

Cadence 173 HR 164 max 186

1: 9:24.4

2: 8:41.2

2.81: 6:58.4 (8:37 pace)
