Run: Long Previous Next


8:49 AM

20 mi


7:00 mi


98 lb
158 bpm
185 bpm


77 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
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Workout: Long Run 20mi; first 10 progression run and last 10 @ MRP (6:20-23 pace) w/ last 1 or 2 at hard effort.

Well. I'm not completely satisfied w/ todays run. the first half was pretty good. my first mile was a bout 7:45, was feeling good. the temp started at about 67 degress. i wasn't really having pain in my legs. i put on the Ultimate healing Cream before starting, took half a cup of double dose green tea and brought my camelback of gatorade diluted w/ water that i took a sip up about every 2mi. the water diluting actually was very helpful when Joel said to do that b/c it's so sweet.

at mile 9 i got to about 6:30 pace. mile 10 it went down a couple more seconds and got down to maybe 6:25pace, the best split. i wasn't able to maintain it for very long. it was getting warmer and got up to 77 degrees while i was out there. i stopped at about 16.37mi the first time and then stopped 2x's during mile 18 i think. i could have been mentally more tough to keep going. i felt horrible that i was stopping. i should've just slowed it down instead of stopping. my HR was getting high, in the high 170's and i don't think the temperature was helping. i really need to stay mentally tough for times likes this. i was wishing i had Joel along side me and a better course to run this long run on.

during mile 18 i drank the rest of my gatorade b/c i was thirsty and tired. each stopped i stopped just a couple minutes. i was real disappointed in myself stopping. i mentally let the HR readings get to me as i kept looking at it constantly and running in the weather and all alone. as soon as i got done w/ the run i spoke out loud to myself that today is today and it's not going to make or break my training and it's not going into tomorrow. i called Joel right after to tell him about the run. he said not to be too hard on yourself and that that's still hot weather to be running in and hard to be doing on your own. that made me feel a little better. i know i'm hard on myself. i wanna be the best i can be but i didn't run like that i felt today since i stopped. well, i need to let it go and move forward and look forward to a day off of running tomorrow. Yay!! and take my next running day as a new day.

i took my Recoverite afterwards w/ Recharge. took whey about 1:15 after getting done running. soon after i got done running, i could feel my hams and calves craming up some. i should've took enduralytes. lesson learned. so i took enduralytes after my run right before the Recoverite. as i was stretching the cramping was moving to the bottom of my feet. not good. Joel asked me to make sure i roll on the golf ball and did just that at work and will do some more. i put on Ultimate healing Cream at work on my calf again also.
