Run: Interval Previous Next


4:22 PM

13.5 mi


7:09 mi


98 lb


73 F


9 / 10
10 / 10
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White City


Workout: 4mi warm-up; 3 x 3000m @ 10k (90% effort) w/ 800m jog recoveries; 1 mi cooldown

I ran 3mi warm-up b/c of time for my friend to pick me up in time to bring me back to Medford, so i added more too my cooldown, which my cooldown was broken into two b/c of my friend coming to get me.

This turned out to be a really good workout. i was really consistent. every first mile of each set of 3000's i ran 5:43. the last 100 on the last 3000 i gave it whatever i had left, and i was tired by then. my right calf was hurting a little and my left quad/IT band area. it was a little windy on that one straight away on the track so it made it a little bit more challenging. i took gatorade twice. the first time i took it at my first 200m jog recovery and the 2nd interval at the 200m jog recovery. i left the gatorade bottle right there next to the track for me to just swoop down and grab real quick w/o having to stop :). i took to sips each time. it worked out well. i'm glad i could do that. first time i worked it out on my own to have a drink during intervals on the track.

i'm real happy with today. it's nice to know that i can just bust out a sub 6min mi w/ no prob and repeatedly.

did the stick tonight. i ate my dinner and about an hour after took Recoverite and whey.
