Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:35 AM

12.5 mi

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Tough workout today, ran with the high school boys for the first time in almost 2 weeks and did there workout with them. Another 3 part workout, except this time he extended it and made it a legit college workout, and the boys handled it very well! Warmed up for 1.5 miles and then immediately went into the tempo. For the first 800 I kinda let the boys do what they wanted and then I took off. Felt like garbage from the start and even though I didn't feel very good I definitely hit it hard. Probably 5:15-5:20 pace average for the 3 miles. Afterwards took a short breather and then hit the hills. These sucked a crapload and I didn't even know if I was going to get through 3 of them. Ended up getting through 6 just like last week at a steady tempo pace and then stood on top of the hill yelling at the high schoolers. Started feeling a bit better though and did another 2 with them afterwards, which focused more on the hill speed but slower recovery. Then immediately went into the fartlek, easiest part of the workout distance wise but still very tough. My form was starting to break because of the all-out-speed but I couldn't let the high schoolers see any weakness otherwise they would pounce on it #viciouslittlebastards. Overall great workout and first legit workout I have done in quite some time. Glad I pushed through it today when my body felt absolutely miserable from the get-go
