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4:05 PM

13.1 mi


6:23 mi

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Pretty darn cold out but it was the wind that made running outside an absolute NOPE so I decided to hit up the Treadmill at AU. It's hard to do just easy mileage on the treadmill for me so I made it into another workout. Pretty much did something similar to last week but shortened the rest and increased the pace. Workout was:

-5x(1 on, 4 off)

-5x(2 on, 3 off)

-5x(3 on, 2 off)

-and then one more on section at 3:30 to finish up the distance.

All of the on portions were @5:42 pace (goal marathon pace) with the off portions @6:58 pace. Total on portions lead to 33:30 minutes @ 5:42 pace so not crazy but solid base work. Goal of this was to just get used to holding pace for longer with shorter rest as the distance progressed. I've got a lot of time before Chicago so I'm just focusing on stringing together strong base workouts without killing things. Probably going to do similar kinds of fartleks over the course of the next few weeks so I'll just focus on gradually increasing the reps!


5 miles= 33:15, 10 miles= 64:48(31:33 for 5 miles), 13.1 miles= 83:31(18:43 last 5k)
