Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:10 AM

5.4 mi

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<No name>


The team had a big dog this morning and I figured I'd do it with them as opposed to just standing and watching. Took the men's team over to a local elementary school and got ready for the workout. A big dog is basically just alot of core exercises in between intervals, so basically a different way of doing bouncy. Truthfully i think it's alot harder just because you have to hammer core and then run threshold pace for the intervals. Usually we have a 400 loop wheeled out that we do, but construction forced us to change it and the best we could get was 330 meters but it gets the effort in. Did close to 20 minutes of nonstop running and core and then after the big dog we went out for a slightly longer cooldown. We did alot of burpees, shooting stars, pushups, planks, crunches, Russian twists, and a whole lot of other stuff so all in all a fun little workout. Haven't done serious core in forever so we will see how I feel later haha
