Elliptical: Easy Previous Next


12:15 PM

11.4 mi


10.31 mi / hr

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Scratched from tomorrow's race and shifted my 5k focus onto next week at Whitewater. Decided to just crank out a tough workout cause it feels like it takes forever if your not going hard. Decided to do 4 Lakes for god knows whatever reason but it ended up working out pretty well.

Every part of this workout was done at Level 10 Resistance

Tempo: No warm-up, just went right into it. Ended up talking with Travis for half of it and then just zoned in on the last half. Felt pretty tough after the 3 mile but I definitely could have gone farther so that's always a good sign. Very good progression and felt like I was hauling the last 4 miles. First mile was 5:50, 3 mile was 16:03, and then my 5 mile time was 26:10. Last mile was right around 5 flat or so.

Hills: Set the time limit for 20 minutes and then did the Kilimanjaro Hill workout. Talked with Travis for another part of this to try and help pass the time. The hill constantly increased every 80 or 100 seconds so and reached the highest level of height right at 10 minutes. Ended up going 3.4 miles in 20 minutes so pretty quick. Felt extremely shot after this though.

Fartlek: Was running short on time for my 2 o'clock but I still got most of this in. Did 5 minutes of easy and then did 2-3-4-2 with 1 minute rest. Aerobically this was fine but my quads were absolutely dead during this so I was just running on empty. Because of the 5 minutes easy this was the slowest part of my workout. The struggle was real and I was soaked to the bone but I got it done!
