Run: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

12.5 mi


6:35 mi

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<No name>


First Day of Winter Training for Aurora today, weather was cold and snowy but much better than it was earlier in the morning. They had long run today with a 20 minute upbeat tempo thrown in after an easy 25 minutes. Legs felt ok, not bad but not great either. We ran through some neighborhoods that quickly got my confused and then we ended up at the Vaughan Center since we had to go in for a little bit according to AU when weather gets below real feel of 15. Ran in there for 5-6 minutes and we started the tempo before a quick change of clothes and then jumping back outside. The guys actually started out pretty fast which surprised me and took me a few minutes to attach myself but when we went outside I think a lot of them suffered from the constant slipping in the snow and some proceeded to struggle hard. Did most of it with Vargas and then we ran just the two of us around the neighborhoods before running back to school and then going Downtown and back. He had another small pickup to do but since my hips were really hurting me I took a pass and just kept running steady back to school. Because of having to go inside for a bit and such I didn't get satellite so mileage is a guesstimate, but I feel that this should be pretty accurate! Solid medium run today! Had a nasty ice beard when I got back, first one of the season
