Run: Tempo Previous Next


6.9 mi


5:31 mi

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<No name>


Holy shit, this was pretty tough especially after monday. Stayed near the back till we got about halfway through Emerald and then worked my way up to Aaron and Neal. Pat joined us too and it was our group of 4 for about 2.5 miles. Then Aaron made a surge and I wasn't feeling too bad at the time so I decided "why not?" and went with him. Im so glad I did this, Me and him just worked with each other and slowly decreased the distance between the 1st group and us. Right when we turned into the Praire Path on Washington we grouped up with Tim and then we just chugged away at that last mile. Putting out his hands really helped me keep connected, especially the last 800 we did. Overall really happy with how the tempo went, Hamestring was sore but didn't notice it :)
