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6:10 AM

7.8 mi

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Solid workout today at the VC. Workout was 2x1k @ roughly 3k, 4x400 @ Mile, 4x200 @ 800 so nothing crazy but a fun workout and it was just short enough for me to be able to do and then instantly drive the bus back before 7:30 am. Ended up doing a 3 mile warmup indoors (not about putting on wet clothes again), changed into flats and then joined the Distance guys for their workout. Had some distance guys doing the MD workout so our group was a bit different than usual but it was all good. Felt pretty smooth throughout the workout, toughest part was definitely the 400's but they felt more manageable than they did a few weeks ago. Had 400 jog rest in-between the k's and then 90 second rest between everything else. Was still a bit mentally funky but much better than Monday. Overall, felt a bit tired at the beginning and had to run wide a lot because of traffic and whatnot but a quality short workout. Had fun this morning and felt much better at the end than I did at the beginning, good freshener.

Once I dropped off the bus, ran outside to do the typical 2 loops cooldown at Lincoln Park before heading back to my car. Legs got super tight after sitting down but opened up after the first 5 minutes or so.


1000's= 3:05, 3:00

400's= 69, 66, 66, 66

200's= 30, 30, 29, 31
