Run: Interval Previous Next


4:20 PM

10.8 mi


6:15 mi


Watch got a software update and deleted all my runs >:( boo! Oh well, I remember pretty much everything from the workout anyway. Took the guys and girls to Oakhurst today and had them do 4/5xmile repeats with 3:00 jog rest with a 2 mile warmup and cooldown. Jumped into group 1 with Jimmy, Duncan, Shaw, Taves, Carl, and Barajas. Ran these in trainers and got a really good workout in, felt very strong throughout and totally in control, atlhough it did get tougher around the last 2 intervals I definitely was still alright. Haven't done something like this in awhile so I'm glad I was able to join the top guys. Haven't really ran a true workout with them yet this year aside from hills. We used a wheel and gps to make sure we had the mile markers right and both added up so it was nice knowing we did full mile repeats. The rest was totally doable it was just weird not ever really stopping in-between repeats. But I covered about .3 in-between for the rest parts. We had a solid group through 3 reps and then after that it was just Jimmy, Duncan, and I.Only dropped the guys on the last one, so they are looking strong. Pretty pleased with this for just wearing trainers and being on gravel the whole time! Did a 2.55 mile cooldown instead of 2 because I tried taking what I thought was a shortcut and it turned out to be a dead end.

Also, did drills and such beforehand so Johnny I hope you're proud haha


2 mile warmup: (7:14, 7:13)

5xmile repeats: (5:02. 5:03, 5:00, 5:03, 4:57)

2.55 mile cooldown: (8:02, 7:12, 3:35)

Jog in-between each rep (.30, .30, .30, .30)
