Run: Easy Previous Next


3.3 mi


7:22 mi


1. 7:11

2. 7:23

3. 7:28

(.32 @ 7:26 pace)

Decided not to get up early to run this morning because I had a busy day ahead and needed the few extra hours of sleep. Was planning on just nixing the run for the day, but then I got back from class and realized I had just enough time to squeeze in three miles. I've got a business meet and greet/panel thing here shortly to preface the career fair on Thursday night, so my need to get the run in quickly lead to the fast pace. Just felt okay out there. Obviously that first mile was way to fast (see previous sentence) and that certainly didn't improve how I felt for the rest of the run. Still not bad though. I just hope I feel okay for my workout tomorrow. I might do intervals again instead of tempo. I just like intervals better honestly. Also depends on what time I'm able to get to sleep tonight. Could be a late one! Glad I got the run in though since I really didn't think I was going to!
