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Joe Kelley workout #3

It is amazing how he always finds something new for us to do every workout.

Warmups: Various skips, toe walks, heel walks for 50 yards. Careokees, high knees, and others for 100 yards. Various one-footed hops for 50 yards a swell. Then Leg swings.

Ball Jumps: I groups of 4, we had to clutch a soccer ball between our legs and hop for 50 yards without letting the ball go. It is a very tiring exercise. Three sets of this.

Wall jumps: Step up onto a two foot high wall and lift yourself into a one-footed jump on top of the wall, then lower self down and repeat with other leg. 15x each leg.

Medicine ball tosses (10 lbs): Work in pairs. Toss a medicine ball over your head. Partner catches it and the person who threw it runs to receive the partner's toss. Repeat until you have gone 100 yards.

Tire Pulls: I was pulling the heaviest tire we had. 100 yards sprint with the tire 6 times.

Pull-up, Dips, and Push-up station: Two sets of all of these exercises. I did 8 reps of very slow pull-ups, 8 reps of slow dips, and 20 reps of slow push-ups, all of these done twice.

Miscellaneous station: Hamstring exercise, squat with medicine ball and touch top of fence with it 40 times continuous, with straight arms reach medicine ball (8 lbs) high on one side of body then bring it to the feet of the other side 20x in both directions.

Hurdle flex: Two sets of all of these. One legged (both legs), alternating legs, faced sideways (both legs)

High quality Joe Kelley workout. Joe Kelley is the man!
