Run: Easy Previous Next


3:15 AM

0.5 mi


6:48 mi

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I did this entire workout with Kevin. We began with extensive warming up and stretching. Then ran a whopping 800 meters in 3:24 and then stretched after. But the real excitement came when we looked at the team's core workout sheet for the winter:

Core Work

1.Stacked foot/staggered hands push-ups (max reps):

from standard push-up position, extend right arm out in front of body while positioning left hand tight beside rib cage (like a military push-up). Stack feet by placing right foot on top of left. Switch position of arms after every fifth rep.

2.Banana Roll (2 reps for each position):

start by lying on back with legs and arms extended straight out approximately 6-12” off floor (biceps should be beside ears) Hold for 5 counts. Roll to side, keeping legs and arms extended and off the floor. Hold for 5 counts. Roll to stomach, keeping legs and arms extended and off floor. Hold for 5 counts. Continue to roll to other side, maintaining form until ending up on your back in the starting position.

3.Squat Run (60 secs):

From a squat position, move arms back and forth as if running. Keep your core through entire sequence.

4.Sphinx push-ups (max reps):

Rest on forearms, elbows directly under shoulders. Hands should be flat on floor, shoulder width apart. Body is supported by forearms and feet only. Press up off forearms until arms are straight. Go back down the way you came up. Focus on keeping entire body rigid throughout movement.

5.Bow to Boat (5 reps of each):

Start on stomach. Reach behind and grab ankles to get to bow position. Lift chest and knees off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, then roll onto back and extend arms and legs 6-12” of the ground (like Banana Roll). Hold for 5 seconds and repeat sequence.

6.Low Lateral Skaters (20 reps):

Start in side lunge position. Right knee is bent over right ankle while left leg is straight. While keeping fingertips on the floor, chest and head up and butt down, slowly shift body to opposite leg lunge position. Slowly shift back and forth 20 times. It’s important to maintain wide width of lunge throughout movement.

*** Break for 1 minute ***

7.Prison Cell Push-up (8 reps):

From standing position bend forward, placing hands on floor, then step or jump back into a push-up position (plank position). Perform a push-up, then bring right knee towards chest then put it back. Perform another push-up, and at top bring the left knee towards the chest then put it back. Do a third push-up, then jump or step up into a standing position. Entire sequence is 1 rep.

8.Side Hip Raise (30-40 reps):

Lying on side, rest bottom forearm on floor with elbow directly under shoulder. Place other hand on hip with elbow skyward. Lift body off the floor with only forearm and outside of foot supporting body weight. Raise hips straight-up in the air, pushing body past parallel. Keep hip off floor once you start exercise. After 15-20 reps on one side, switch sides and repeat.

9.Plank to Run (60 secs):

While in plan position, bring knees towards body as if running (more like slow jogging). To intensify try get your body as low to the ground as possible.

10.Walking Push-up (4 reps):

Walk legs across floor while walking with arms in a plank position. Walk forward 4 times and then backward 4 times (this counts as 1 rep). Do this slowly and methodically. Walk, don’t run.

11.Superman Banana (60 secs):

Lying on stomach, extend arms and legs straight out in front. Try to get as much of your body off the ground as possible. Then roll to your back in the Banana position outlined in previous exercises above. Move back and forth between these two positions for 3 counts at each position. Always maintain a softball-size space between chin and chest.

12.Steam Engine (50 reps):

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, clasp hands behind head, keeping elbows wide. Alternate left elbow to right knee, while focusinf on keeping head and chest up. Go from side to side (it’s like doing bicycle crunches while standing).

13.Halfback (60 secs):

Visualize running through wide tires, 4 tires forward. Then take 6 high steps back.

*** Done with Core Work ***

This was a fun workout. A lot of these exercises I think are designed to make you look as goofy as possible, but they still work the core and quads quite a bit.
