Run: Long Run Previous Next


9:44 AM

22 mi


6:45 mi


21 F
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Weather: 21 degrees with 6mph winds. Partly sunny.

Workout: 22 miles on rolling terrain at normal long run pace.

Ran a route that was practically rolling the entire run. Ferdinand loop, Earlton/Bulle Rock loop twice, Gravel Hill, Level Rd, Rock Run, Cooley Mills, Webster Lapidum, Lapidum, Bulle Rock, Blenheim, Mohegan.

Starting out the run the legs felt okay, but certainly could tell that I was a bit fatigue from the week's training. I basically ran comfortable and it turned out that 6:45ish pace was were I settled in. Ran the first 11 miles in 1:15:08 (6:50 pace) and the last half at a 6:38 average. Quite a bit of hills, but the one I remember most is the Cooley Mills hill. Legs started to feel tired after 17 miles, but interestingly the pace was still consistently under 6:40. Miles 18 - 20.5 was a long gradual downhill.

I didn't take any fluids or fuel the entire run. However, I did hydrate really well before my run and had my usual pre-long run nutrition (shake and half a bagel).

I think I might probably feel a little tightness or soreness in the quads and/or calves from all the uphill/downhill running. The arch of my right foot is a little sore. For some reason, my right arch has been tight in the last few runs.
