Run: Easy Previous Next


5:32 AM

10 mi


7:23 mi


155 lb


23 F


6 / 10
8 / 10


Run with Dan to Bridge and beyond. We had fun passing everyone. Caught up to Sam after Scott Blvd and then caught Pat H, but it wasn't easy. A dog was sitting on the trail before we hit 5 miles surprised us with its eyes glowing and we both stopped. Then noticed the owner was making it sit, but didn't really register it was a dog for me until then. We tried to keep the pace down but had to catch one last person way ahead of us with a flashing red light before finishing.

Parts of the run were hard (like catching Pat) and then easier after we slowed down. Pace was really kind of different today but called it easy since didn't run all 10 too fast.

m1 - 8:29

m2 - 7:39

m3 - 7:18

m4 - 6:38

m5 - 7:26

m6 - 7:28

m7 - 7:26

m8 - 7:20

m9 - 7:12

m10 - 6:48
