Run: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

9 mi


7:16 mi


Long run today, the only girls that showed up were Adriana and Riley so ran by myself today. The snow actually wasn't too annoying to run on and made the run pretty. Did an out and back, guess what's exactly 4 miles away from the armory? THE BIG FLUFFY WHITE EMMA DOGS. I ran 4 miles out to find that they were not outside and I was so heartbroken so I stood there for a minute and then I whistled and both of them came charging out from around a corner. SO CUTE. On my way back I saw a black lab outside at whatever facility is across from the llamas. I saw a border collie and a blondish/reddish colored dog on the UIUC horse farm. FIVE DOGS (!!!) No pain today, which is always positive

Breakfast club afterwards with Straw and his friends.

@Richard Riley, Adriana, Megan, and I met your girlfriend Julia last night and she's nice so if she ever doesn't like varsity anymore you should tell her to join our club


Emma B

I haven't seen those dogs in like a year :( :( but yes agreed Julia is a gem!


This run sounds awesome :)


I appreciate that! And trust me, those seeds have been planted, but time will tell. A big part of me wishes she were on the club team, but I also understand that there are many benefits associated with being on the varsity team, and ultimately I want her to do what she thinks is best. I've got a lot of conflicting thoughts and emotions on this topic.


So many positives in this log I love it

Sara Folliard

You saw the Emma dogs???? What a day!!!