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6:30 PM

11.5 mi


11:34 mi


170 lb
165 bpm
186 bpm


45 F


After waking up Sunday morning I saw that it was raining so I was sure that I wouldn't be able to go run. However, late afternoon the sky cleared but by then Linda, Sophie and Alexis were gone but I had to watch Emma.

Around 6 PM Emma's friend Nicole called and asked if she wants to play with her. I dropped her off and rushed home to get ready for a run. I called Linda and she agreed to pick Emma up later so I had no time pressure either.

Within minutes off I was running east doing my flat 6 mile loop. However, instead of turning left to go home I turned right to add the massive hill up Linda Yorba; a 2.5 distance I mostly only could walk due its steepness.

Once on top I turned around, called Linda and ran back home. All in all 11.5 miles. At the end I was glad to be home and my feet were tired. Made me wonder how I'll survive the C2M 100 miler with its 26,000 feet elevation gain!!!
