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5:30 AM

13.5 mi


6:47 mi


Solid 90+ minutes with Brian and Matt. Headed east for a bit and made our way through the Green Trails subdivision before heading back through Hobson Mill and then meeting up with the team for the last 1.5 of morning run and then adding on duck. The pace was honest for pretty much the entire run except for the stretch with morning run and a few other icy spots.

It feels good to have gotten this run in (as it always does on Thursday mornings). It's funny how I'll tell people how I start my day and they look at me as if I am some sort of masochist. This may be true to a degree but it's probably not as true as the fact that too few people understand that avoiding discomfort is not the way to find satisfaction. Doing "hard" things like getting up at 4:45 and running in single digit temperatures on a consistent basis is much more enjoyable than what we try and preserve when we don't discipline ourselves into these habits. I have NEVER said "man, I'm glad I slept that extra hour and didn't get a run in today!"

Check out my link for today. It's to an blog entry that somebody I have never met wrote a few years ago. It's pretty insightful in regards to the whole idea of comfort addiction. Philosophically, it seems like the guy is a pure "materialist" or "naturalist" so I don't agree with every line of thought but overall it's a good read for a lifelong suburb dweller like myself.
