Run: Easy Previous Next


10 mi


7:01 mi

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Easy 10 miles. Wore tights, a long sleeve and gloves. Felt great to have a cool morning like this. I genuinely love the upper 30s. Overall this was a really good run. I am encouraged by how good my legs have been feeling on Mondays as of late. Not too long ago I was really struggling to make the turn around from Saturday long run into the next week. The one negative note from this run is that my left ITB gave me a bit of trouble the last part of the run on the downhills. I rolled it out really well, took some ibuprofen and iced it after the run. I'll make that a habit for the next few days. Hopefully this wont end up being a big deal. I am going to be conservative these next few days though. I'd rather take a few days off now and get this behind me instead of messing around with it for the next 6 weeks and having it be a part of the race day story line.
