Run: Easy Previous Next


5.1 mi


8:14 mi

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Was in Bismarck for the day, so brought my running clothes and took the opportunity to run on the dirt bike trails by the community bowl in Bismarck. These trails are tough, it was mid-afternoon, and temperature in the mid-80s in the full sunshine, so this was a tough run for an out-of-shape Nate. I made sure not to run as hard as I have in the past on these trails, but I still had to stop a couple of times to breathe. For those of you unfamiliar, you got to check out these trails; they are almost sacred to me. I have done a run on these trails every year since 2010, and I never am let down by their beauty and toughness right in the middle of the city. This was a good day physically and spiritually.


il gatto


Brian Fantana

Both good and not so good memories from those babies