Run: Easy Previous Next


5.2 mi


7:30 mi

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White Shield


0% chance of rain and a cold front passage, so I waited until about 7:30pm to do this run to get a cool breeze. Ingrid and I ate in Garrison beforehand, so I was a little full before it. Lucky me, it literally rained with breezy conditions this entire run. Like, I mean the ENTIRE run. So much for 0% chance of rain, it was like my wedding day all over again. I enjoyed this run though, because it makes you tough to fight weather conditions like that, and Ingrid biked with me the whole time! Y'all that live in town and have people to run with periodically have no idea how much that meant to me, having somebody to go with me. Imma be down at Minnesota state track on Saturday watching my brother-in-law coach his sophomore stud who runs low to mid 4:20s in the 1600, try to win a class A state title. Should be fun!


Brian Fantana

Looking forward to a Saint Paul yog this weekend

hashtag ciderboi

Can I join? I'll be in the cities all weekend

Nate Peterson

Absolutely! So far all I have is Econ signed up. Probably Saturday mid morning I'm guessing right now

hashtag ciderboi

I can commit C-Danger to join as my token friend