Run: Pickups Previous Next


4.7 mi


7:34 mi

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Because of the sore pad on my left foot, I decided to stay off the gravel and road today and run on the short trails in the lower areas behind our house. There is one dirt/grass trail loop that is about 0.6 miles of trail and 0.2 miles of sidewalk, so I'm thinking this fall I can do workouts where I run the trail hard and jog the sidewalk. In fact, after running on the grass around the track a couple of times and then exploring the trail, I decided to do that three times. On the grass my left pad felt fine, but if I went back on the road for more than a few minutes, it got sore again, so I'll just need a few days of less pounding. My shoes are absolutely trashed and there's literally a hole in the bottom of my shoe where chunks of shoe have been ripped out by gravel, so it's probs time to get some new shoes. Usually I'm not worried about little holes with these shoes because they are minimalist and you can't really lose any 'support' in a shoe that didn't have any to begin with, but now my foot landing is being changed by the chunk of shoe missing in the same spot on each shoe, so I need new ones. As far as the 'workout', it felt good to get the legs turning again. Maybe once or twice a week I should cut back a little on mileage and try to run fast, see where that goes.
