Run: Easy Previous Next


10.1 mi


7:16 mi

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Woke up a little earlier this morning so I'd have some time for striders in the morning. I ran north on BIA 1 again like yesterday, but this time at 2 miles I turned East instead of West. 2 miles into that I came across a T in the road and I decided to head south and see if I could make a loop out of this. Around 4.5 miles (which would normally be my turn around point) I decided that a loop would likely be around 9-10 miles, so I went for it. The last 3 miles of the run was on the main (65mph speed limit) highway, but during that time only 2 vehicles passed me, and they were both enormous and full gravel trucks, which is actually really scary, but I was on the opposite side of the road (because I could hear them coming from literally 5 miles away. It was a little on the warm side this morning, and I'm looking forward to predicted morning temps in the mid 40s early next week. The pad beneath toes 3, 4, and 5 on my left foot became pretty sore during the run today, and I attribute that to the absolute beating my feet take on these gravel roads. My shoes have little protection, and these roads don't get driven hardly at all, so there is no area clear of rocks. Ouch! Because of the added time for running, I didn't have time for striders today (I was actually 2 minutes late for school, good thing there's a 5 minute grace period). Oh well, we'll see how my foot feels in the morning. Medora Musical tomorrow night!
