Run: Easy Previous Next


4.3 mi


7:01 mi

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Goal was to drive to the high school and run 30 minutes (instead of normal 40) as a down day before long run tomorrow. I've been grinding pretty hard lately compared to what I've been used to the last year, so I don't want to push too hard and blow up. Tomorrow I'm gonna try running with one of those hand water-bottles and see how that goes, because I don't want to wear a water pack during my trail marathon, because that sucked last time. And I have to carry some hydration with me, because aid stations 10 miles apart in the badlands in the summer is too far to not carry something. I had to fill up my pickup tires because one was low, so I didn't have time to do more than 30 minutes today anyway. It's getting humid now (dewpoint around 60), so I sweated like a pig the whole time. Started off relaxed, but started day dreaming about college races and was down to the 6:47 for 4th mile and 2:02 for the last 1/3 mile (6:06 pace). Did 4 good striders afterwards and stretched afterwards. Also thinking about starting to incorporate some lunges next week.
