Run: Tempo Previous Next


8 mi


6:24 mi

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White Shield


4 miles out, 4 miles back. 2 mile warmup, followed by what I hoped to be a 5 mile tempo. Didn't happen.

2 mile warmup

2.5 mile tempo, 5:50-6:00 pace

0.5 mile easy

1 mile in 5:36

0.5 mile easy

1 mile in 5:21

0.5 mile cooldown.

During the third mile of my tempo, my breathing was bad and my chest tightened up so much that I was struggling to breathe and maintain form. I had to stop and breathe for a few moments before running again, and I kind of felt dizzy. I've been watching too much Breaking Bad lately and felt like Hank during his 'episodes' throughout the seasons. Maybe I'm gonna have a heart attack and die soon, idk. But I didn't like it. I really focused on breathing after that. I remembered why I generally don't wear an iPod during workouts, because keeping track of proper breathing while having a different-tempo beat going through your head is quite difficult. No more iPod for workouts, just like during the fall and winter last year. The 5:36 felt good, and the 5:21 was difficult. Glad to get some good speed in. Overall a good day.

This is good training advice for you youngins. If the workout isn't going as planned, don't a.) scrap it completely or b.)push through it and kill yourself, probably not finishing it anyway. Modify it so that you can finish and still get a quality workout in. If you stick too hard to whatever you had planned, you might be digging your own grave, fool.


Brian Fantana

Quality advice there

Brian Fantana

I highly doubt you'll meet the same end as Hank, unless you've gotten mixed up in some stuff we weren't aware of