Run: Easy Previous Next


10:46 AM

3 mi


15:27 mi


172 lb
133 bpm
141 bpm
50 bpm


30 F
  • Map


Very windy--could hear it when I woke up--but not so bad while running. Made my feet a little cold before I got started, though. I continue to not impress the ducks that live near the beach.

Was going to wear long sleeved shirt and PI vest, then looked at snow blowing horizontally and went for Hincapie wool instead. Good choice. Felt slightly warm once or twice, but never had to unzip at all, and when the wind blew was glad for it. Indy Runner long sleeve under, CW-X tights, yellow BR hat, white gloves. Sure didn't need sunglasses today, unlike yesterday. In fact, when it's this grey, I've taken to wearing a reflective band around my arm or leg. It's like twilight all the time.

Felt great, HR was low for most of run (still went too high on one hill when I wasn't really paying attention), average 133 is better than usual. First mile showed 14:59 on Garmin, but was actually 14:59.9, so it rounded up. Damn it. Still second-fastest Maff mile ever, so can't complain. Here's hoping tomorrow's 7-miler goes well--if so, should probably set another average pace record for the week.




