Run: Easy Previous Next


10:20 AM

4 mi


15:55 mi


172 lb
130 bpm
139 bpm
50 bpm


23 F
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Lovely run. No ambiguity about snow today--snowed throughout. Little hard icy snow right in my face at first, then later wind died down a bit and became bigger and more swirly. "Feels like" -10C/14F for contest.

Route: started at bridge up past beach, usual Pikisaari route only went right side of island instead of left--snow was untouched except for maybe 3 sets of footprints, so going was a little rougher than usual and gave me my slowest mile. HR good throughout--I knew I couldn't fight the snow underfoot, so might as well go comfortably slow and not worry about pace. Worked well. After Pikisaari, took bridge over to library and next bridge back, a third bridge took me to where the Piki route usually comes out if I take the left side of island. So usual 6-bridge route was 8 bridges today (+3 but -1).

Wore: exactly same as yesterday--just took everything off drying rack and put it back on. UA shorts under Bill Rodgers tights, PI black top under Celestial jacket, BR red hat, white gloves. Comfy. Actually considered unzipping jacket and taking off gloves at one point--didn't. That sometimes happens when wind dies down, but it almost always comes back up again.
