Run: Fartlek Previous Next


6:15 PM

4.8 mi


6:08 mi

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<No name>


Wanted to do this with the run club guys but my chem lab went really long which sucked. I miss being on a team so bad and like run club is good but I want to be on the team so bad. There’s just not the same type of brotherhood you get with a team and I know it’s early to be saying that but I just feel like it’s different when everyone is 100% committed to a common goal and I feel like right now I’m just really missing that. Just gonna keep working hard and try to get there one day. This workout was 5x(30,60,90) with equal easy portions. I felt pretty solid on this workout and didn’t feel like it was a struggle to finish at all. Im really excited for our first meet which is in two weeks. Also my legs felt pretty dead from standing at the football game yesterday but this was still solid.
