Run: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

8 mi


7:15 mi


67 F
  • Map

The Ag


Body is SORE. First driving range experience yesterday. Lower back, shoulders, and arms are sore from lots of golf practice. Pushed through for core work and this run today. Thanks to downtime and mileage building, I haven't felt sore in this is practice for when I start lifting weights and running workouts again. ;)

Morning run with Lu. We tried to run on Baker, but even the entrance was flooded from the night's storm. Ran on campus, through Spartan Village, and even on the Ag. It was nice catching up as we improvised our route. Finished with 4 strides in the street post-run. Strangely enough, those felt better (and were longer) than they've been since downtime -- progress!
