Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9.5 mi


6:40 mi

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20:08 WU, 10:48 to the track, 9:33 CD

2x3:00, 3x2:00 with 2:00 jog rest (fartlek, sub)

55, 53, 51 (300m ea, track)

Workout with my 10k and 5k-ers in the sub at Harrison and Saginaw. I was extremely nervous going into this, because this was my first workout post-race, and it's been a while since I ran hard. I hung out behind the leaders for the first few repeats, but Skroll noticed and had me lead the next 2:00-er with her. It went well, and I gained some confidence to lead another quick 2:00 repeat to wrap up the fartlek. We ran a mini-CD to the track where we did 3x300m in spikes with ~2:00 walk rest. I did the track part with just Meg Rodg and Liv. Running in spikes felt a little awkward for me, but I stayed up on everything (for both parts of the workout), and we hit our times just fine.

Post-workout med ball, 1x10. Iced just my feet afterward for 12:30 in the cold tub.
