Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:50 AM

10 mi


7:02 mi


28 F
  • Map

Stony Creek


20:58 WU (3mi)

24:12 CD (~3.25mi)

Put together another mini-workout for myself at Stony: 2x4:00, 1x3:00x 1x2:00, 2x1:00 hard with 2:00 rest in-between. Ran everything in trainers. Got there a smidge early for stretches. Danna, Cally, and Mike Nahmias joined me for my WU. They also regrouped with me on my rest intervals, holding me accountable. Rests were at a pretty solid pace. Finished 7 marked miles on the path (lake loop + half mile out/back) in 47:32 (6:48/mi pace).

Tried to run the rest of CD on trails, but they were too snow-covered. Ended up bumping into Mike Nahmias again, and finished CD up with him. Substituted hurdle mobility for GS.

Hurdle mobility

Continuous lead, 2x ea.

Alternate, 3x

Bent leg skips, 1x ea.

Went to Ormsbee later in the day for back/hip/neck adjustments, and to get my dang glutes rubbed out. He also rubbed my plantars out for good measure.
