Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:43 AM

17 mi


7:23 mi


161 bpm
183 bpm
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17 miles progression to threshold:

8 mi WU build to MAF (HR 155-165)

5 mi at HR 165-175 (marathon effort)

3 mi at HR 176-185 (half/10k effort)

1 mi CD jog

This went pretty well--I felt recovered (no fatigue like last Thurs), but still sore from skiing, which might not have been detrimental, but I definitely noticed. The tempo part felt really good, like I wasn't killing myself....but I wasn't running what I *hope* is my marathon/half paces. Not sure how much stock to put in this workout, but hopefully 6:50 and 6:25 aren't the shape I'm actually in in a couple months.
