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12:30 PM

10 mi

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Did this on the Pitt indoor track, a nice new discovery!

1 mile WU easy, then 4 x 200m in 40-45" w/ 200 jogs between (46, 43, 42, 43).

5 x 1 mile at faster than marathon pace, 6:00-6:10, just by feel! I actually managed to not look at my watch at all, which resulted in a pretty fast first mile, but I got more of a sense for the pace after that (5:53, 6:03, 6:01, 6:06, 6:02). I did 3:00 of walking/400m jog between each. Stopped at 5 instead of 6 because my right hip was a little wonky--the banked track wasn't doing it any favors! Not terrible or sharp pain, but it's still there.

2 mile CD.
