Run: Race Previous Next


3:30 PM

10 km


9:11 mi


158 lb


80 F


5 / 10
4 / 10

Race Result

56 / 200 (28%)
13 / 21 (61.9%)


Monster Mash 10K

30 Oct 2011, Sunday 15:30

Sam Houston Race Park, Houston, Texas

80F - Clear & Sunny

I don't remember exactly how much the race entry was, somewhere around $30. The race was originally scheduled for the Saturday morning before Halloween but due to an unforeseen double booking the date was changed to Sunday afternoon about 2 weeks out. This might have bothered some people but it actually suited me better since I prefer running later in the day & gave me time to get in from work without having to rush.

The course was probably the most boring I've ever run. An all pavement 5K loop that started on one side of the parking lot, it went around the to the other side and exited onto Fairbanks Rd, up one side of the street until just before the highway then back down the other side and into the parking lot again for another ~1/4 mile back to the Start/Finish line. 5K runners only had to do one lap of boring, 10K & 15K did 2 or 3 laps, respectively. There were 3 water/gatorade stations along the course & the volunteers we friendly.

The starting line was a real mess. Just a mass of people and music & muted instructions. We started out in bunches for the first mile. I was stuck behind some tutu's & joggers. For a mile or so I struggled to find my pace. There was a blind runner and his buddy just ahead of me, I went way outside to pass and must have been looking at my feet. I looked up and the blind guy was running sideways right into my path! I guess the buddy chain or whatever had come loose. It could've been a catastrophe.

After a narrow escape, I found a pace that felt good and the race started to fall into a groove.. I kept checking my splits on my Sportsband and was up around 8:45/minute, I wanted to slow down some as I'm usually about a 10:20' runner but everytime I tried to pace someone nearby I'd pass them. I knew I was running too fast when i finished the first 5K loop @ ~ 29'; I remember thinking, "I need to slow down or I'm going going to be in trouble later" but everytime I tried to ease up I just kept getting back to that 8:45 pace.

Around 4.5 miles or so the fast pace started to wear on me. I caught up with a girl running the 15K and we chatted for a minute about our pace & distance. We kept up with each other for a mile or so.

By mile 6 I was tired but as I came around the last bend of the street back into the parking lot and knew I had enough left to finish strong. I came in sprinting the last tenth or so of a mile to finish at 57:02' 56th overall out of 200.

Felt fantastic immediately afterword and had little sorness until today. Woke up this morning feeling it in my legs, not hurt but nice & sore. Took the day off for some sushi & beers, headed back to work in the AM. No running out there for about 5 days, #recoverymode.
