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8:15 AM

20 mi


25:30 mi


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<No name>


Plans for Pyramid Peak were destroyed on the car ride up hwy 2 as we a) realized it is a 4.5 hour drive, b) we got a flat tire. We chose a spectacular, closer alternative, the Enchantments Loop, and luckily the spare tire survived the trip. We parked at the Snow Lake trailhead, then started jogging on the 6-8 mile road to the other trailhead. Luckily after not long hitchhiking worked and we hopped in the back of a pick-up truck. Spectacular beautiful trail, Aasgard pass adrenaline, slushy snow, bright fiery larches, amazing fall colors, running with the good spirited Robert and Lia. AND got back to the car before dark. SUCCESS.
