Run: Easy Previous Next


4.9 mi


9:01 mi

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Charles Tail


i still messed up my tracking. don't know true pace. back in the 815 training for dasher dash yeeyee

the stats/data:

- i started at 2:10 pm and finished at 2:56 pm, making the base run 46 minutes

- i had to stop after about a mile (said I was at 7:43 pace but had been running for 8 minutes ??) for traffic in newburg. waited between 2-4 minutes before resuming run

- it was 2:33 pm when I was halfway done (2.44 miles) --> pace range: 8:12-9:26 (20-23 minutes)

- strava tracked 2.89 miles (but it's all messed up) and said I ran it in 22:34 with an average of 7:48/mile

- run time range: 42-46 minutes

- pace range: 8:37-9:36/mile

in conclusion: i need to learn how to use strava so that I am not a fool. also, if i'm running sub-9 that would make me super happy
