Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 PM

2.3 mi


11:52 mi


55 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map



I coached the 4th session of the FIT 5K program (after returning from vacation). I ran with the front 4 women of the orange group (mostly run). The night's program was to run 3 minutes and walk 1 minute until told to stop. My time is for the entire run and includes the walking portions (i.e. no pauses). I was surprised at the pace of this group. After the first mile, they were often running at a pace of 10 mi or less. I really had to work to keep up with them, but it was really good for me, especially since I had already run 3 miles that evening. I was pretty surprised with the final pace since it included the 1 minute walking breaks. (The pace was about the same as what I ran earlier without walking.)
