Run: Recovery Previous Next


10:20 AM

1.9 mi


8:07 mi

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warmup run with loki on the indoor track. it felt a little fast, probably the fastest I've gone yet. it felt like fun swift running at first, but i felt my breathing get heavier in the last 7-8 minutes. i estimated the distance accordingly. it was really nice, i love running like that on the indoor track. it reminded me exactly what Alex and I used to do in high school. we always did fast warmups and extra runs after practice together. i hate to constantly reference high school, but looking back on it my senior year was a really happy time in my running career.

the run outside after was super reflective. i thought about some things that I thought about on a run about a week ago. last week, I typed out this whole rant about it on here but never posted it. i figured it was a little whiney and not what logs are for. but then i thought about it again today so i think it's worth sharing a little bit. the biggest thought was about resentment. i realized that i start to resent everything when I get stressed, (friends, family, school, even running). I realized over break and again today that running makes me really happy, and so this resenting needs to stop and i need use running to empower me. anyway, rant rant rant. I'll spare you the rest.
