Run: Recovery Previous Next


4 mi


8:31 mi


left foot didn't hurt at all while running, right foot was acting up a little. i ran with alexa, taylor, erin, isabel, and meghan. i felt great for the first 12/13 minutes, i felt like we were going a good pace, my turnover was quick, and everything was going well. (maybe this is because of the 15 minutes with loki yesterday that was kind of faster than i'm used to? maybe not, just something i noticed). then i just remember really suddenly i couldn't wait until we turned into uncle sams and got off the busy road. it's not really that my legs felt heavy, they just felt like they were tired out from the turnover or needed a break or something from running, and i was hoping a change of scenery would change how i felt. it did not, it felt like i was quickly slowing down and running more up than out (super bouncy), if that makes sense. i think this is probably normal for getting back into it, especially with both changes in pace and distance in a short time frame.

the others were going for 45 minutes, so i originally planned on doing that too because coach said 45 is my max, but then i was having second thoughts. i didn't want to get ahead of myself, and if my legs are feeling fatigued i probably shouldn't push them too much. same with my feet. my right foot had been doing well this week but today it wasn't as good as it was before. also, two days of 45 minutes in a row might not be the best idea, since just last week i was doing 30s. i decided to settle for 35, which made me feel kind of like a failure. honestly, i'm just happy to be running again, and i need to remember that although 35 minutes is not 50 or 60 like everyone else, it's much closer to that than 0 minutes! also, thursday last week i was at 9.6 miles, so with 25% increase this week i should be at 12 miles today, but I'm at 13.8. that's a 44% increase, so i shouldn't be too down about doing the 35 minutes today.

anyways, apparently i didn't quite get to 35. my watch cleared when i stopped at an intersection but i was at 2.55mi (according to the map) and my time i remember was 21:40 something, so i estimated 33:47 for the whole run based on that pace.

just sitting here, my right foot is feeling something right under my toes if i wiggle them. the heel is ok, it's just under my toes. not really the balls of my feet anymore, just under the right toes. probably because of the way i run, so im not too concerned. tired legs = bouncy stride = achy toes, at least that's my best guess. im super excited my left foot feels better though, all that rolling has paid off! i hope it lasts!
