Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:15 AM

10.2 mi


17.94 mi / hr


Felt F75


189.5 lb
144 bpm
159 bpm
50 bpm


61 F


5 / 10
8 / 10


0:34:07.0 0:34:07.0 AVG HR 144 CADENCE: 90

workout AVG HR 144

Bike part of BRICK workout. I tried to duplicate the distances we did two weeks ago at the Tri-CC transition 101 workout. I have done the 10 mile Canal Path loop many times, so this was familiar. The difference was, I knew I was going to have to put my sneakers on and run right afterward. I tried to keep a good fast pace though, not slouching at all. I tried to not overdo it at the same time though. It was a good ride, and I was pleasantly surprised by how simple the transition to running was. I was expecting the shoe changeover to take a bit longer than it did, but at 1:30 it really wasn't too bad, especially considering I was not trying to be fast at all. Nice!

Sleep: not good (in bed at 11:00pm, woke up at 5:00am but didn't get out of bed until 6:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: red RRS shorts, red RRS shortsleeve (a little chilly in the first few minutes, but that quickly went away.)
