Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

21.1 mi


17.22 mi / hr


Felt F75


192 lb
52 bpm


67 F


8 / 10
6 / 10


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 40:01, Distance: 10.53, average speed: 15.79

Temp: 45° AVG HR: ??, MAX: ??

Second ride this week. This morning was a logistic disaster. I got a TERRIBLE night's sleep and did not want to get out of bed. Then I had to take Aidan to school before I could even leave and I was disorganized getting ready and out. As soon as I did get out I felt REALLY TIRED. I just took it easy and didn't try to go fast or anything. Again, I didn't wear the HR monitor (on purpose) and don't really care too much that I don't know about it. I to know that I was working pretty hard though. This morning the ride felt like work. I ended up being a bit too warm and not very comfortable overall.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 33:22, Distance: 10.53, average speed: 18.94

Temp: 67° AVG HR: ??, MAX: ??

I was really looking forward to the ride home today. The weather forecast said it was going to be in the mid 60's, so I was excited to not have to be cold. But, alas I couldn't just enjoy it, because I had to leave work in a hurry to get home in time to go and pick up Aidan from school. I was pretty tired. After not exercising at all for two weeks, then to ride to work a second time this week and run once yesterday, I was really feeling it in my legs. The good part of the ride home was that the wind was at my back pretty much the whole way. So, even though I was tired, I had to get home in a hurry, so I pushed and rode pretty much as fast as I could go. It wasn't too bad actually, I had a couple of pacer people come and go, which egged me on. I'm also pretty sure that I got home faster than ever before, which is cool. So, it was a pretty good ride home after all.

Sleep: TERRIBLE (bed at 11:00pm, wake at 4:45am and really didn't get much sleep afterward)

Mood: irritated

Physical: tired and a little sore in the legs

Clothes: (to work) black Trek shorts, blue wind-pants, black compression shirt, blue Pearl-Izumi jacket, gloves (too warm)

(back home) black Trek shorts, black compression shirt (a bit warm)
