Bike: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

25.3 mi


19.34 mi / hr


Felt F75


181.5 lb
149 bpm
164 bpm
46 bpm


64 F


5 / 10
8 / 10


Time: 1:18:32, Distance: 25.31, average speed: 19.34

Temp: 64° AVG HR: 149, MAX: 164

Bike portion o the BRICK for today. A slow morning. It seems to be a bit too dark really early when I WANT to start my rides. So, I laid in bed and let the alarm go off a couple more times before I got up. I should have just gone at 5:15 when I woke up. Anyway, once I was going it was fine. I really had no expectation or intent for this ride to be too fast. I just wanted to make sure that I was putting a decent amount of effort in and tried to make sure I wasn't slacking off too much. I tried to keep my cadence up at 95-105 for just about the whole ride, but my pace going up the hills really took a beating. I was a little more tired than I thought I would be after this weekend and the ridiculous walk with the flat tire yesterday. In the end I thought I did a much better job of keeping my speed up on the flats and keeping that momentum for the subtle uphill sections. I tried a little standing up pedaling for a bunch of the hills to keep my speed up, but that is just plain tiring. I think it will be good practice for hillier races in the future though. All in all this was a very good ride.

I was really not interested in practicing the transition, so I just took my time. It took me 1 minutes and 10 seconds before I was started running. This is not bad, but is pretty slow. I need to spend a couple days just doing transitions to make sure I can do it fast when I need to.

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:30pm, wake at 5:30am)

Mood: eh

Physical: outside of my ankle/shins were bugging me

Clothes: Pearl Izumi tri shorts, Red Pearl Izumi tri sleeveless shirt (A little chilly in the first few minutes, but perfect afterward)
