Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:30 AM

11.3 mi


19.25 mi / hr


Felt F75


183.5 lb
144 bpm
159 bpm
46 bpm


66 F


3 / 10
1 / 10


Time: 0:35:08, Distance: 11.27, average speed: 19.25

Temp: 66° AVG HR: 144, MAX: 159

I had to DRAG myself out of bed this morning in order to go for my ride. I was so tired. Felt like I didn't sleep at all. Getting going, I just wanted to get out and go, without any issues, so I kind of skipped over most of my normal routines and stuff. I didn't grab my phone, or my camel back. This would prove foreboding. I just got out and started riding. All was going pretty well, with the exception that my legs definitely felt sore. So I just took it a little easy. I tried to keep my cadence up at 95-100 but didn't push too hard. Going through U of R I have been taking the road lately, since it is in better condition than riding on the path along the river. BUT, the drawback is that I have to ride over the super-duper speed bump pedestrian crossings. Well I ended up blowing out my rear tire on the very last one I had to go over. Probably couldn't be further from home, and because I didn't grab my camelbak I had no tools and no spare. DONE. Now it's time to walk... 5 miles to home. SUCKED!! SO PISSED OFF!!

Sleep: yuck (bed at 11:00pm, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: tired

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: Nashbar bike shorts, black DeMarchi sleeveless, bike gloves (nice)


Time: 1:17:08, Distance: 4.94, average speed: 3.804mph

Temp: 68° AVG HR: 103, MAX: 120

This covers the 5 mile walk home, pushing my bike with the busted rear tube. SUCKED!! SO PISSED OFF!!

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: @#$%^&*!! don't even get me started !!*&^%$#@

Physical: (see previous)

Clothes: (see previous)
