Bike: Long Previous Next


4:00 PM

30.3 mi


19.54 mi / hr


Felt F75


178 lb
145 bpm
46 bpm


60 F


6 / 10
9 / 10


Time: 1:33:10, Distance: 30.34, average speed: 19.5

Temp: 60° AVG HR: 145, MAX: ??? (HR monitor said 226, which is obviously not right)

Long ride today. I am actually getting to the point where I am not used to the road bike anymore. I have been doing a number of rides on the mountain bike and now the road bike feels weird. The aero-bars don't help much either, but I like them, a lot. I knew that this ride was going to be a little different, mostly because it was much cooler than usual, and a bit windy. The wind was out of the SSW, so it was blowing in my face towards the end of 64 and across 251 in Mendon. But the good part was that it was nearly right at my back for the whole way up Rt. 65. I have to say that the aero-bars make a HUGE difference when riding in the wind. I am still surprised at how much of an aerodynamic difference they make. This is the second weekend ride that I have done this exact route, and this time I was over 4 minutes faster than last time. I am now up to an average speed of 19.5mph. This is AWESOME. A great ride.

Sleep: decent (bed at 1:00am, wake at 9:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: Nashbar Tecumseh shorts, yellow Firecracker short-sleeve shirt, bike gloves (a little chilly at times, but good)
