Bike: Easy Previous Next


4:15 PM

14.5 mi


16.83 mi / hr


Felt F75


197.5 lb
165 bpm
180 bpm
52 bpm


50 F


5 / 10
7 / 10


Time: 51:51, Distance: 15.071, average speed: 17.44

Temp: 50° AVG HR: 165, MAX: 180

Today was the first ride on my new road-bike. The weather was beautiful, and I just picked up the bike on Tuesday, so I wanted to get it out and ride. My initial impression is VERY GOOD. I LIKE IT. It is definitely a little rougher than riding on the big fat slicks on the mountain bike. But on the positive side, the bike seems REALLY FAST. I know I am quite out of shape, but it wasn't hard to maintain a faster speed than I am used to. I am getting used to this loop, and it might not be much fun to many more times, especially since the section of the canal path along the river from GVP up to where I get onto Mt. Hope is AWFUL on the road bike. Lots of roots and the pavement is TERRIBLE. The rest of the ride was really nice though. Felt good to run almost as fast as the cars pretty much all the way down University. A great ride overall!

(the ride was 14.54mi instead of the mapped 15.00 since I forgot to go up Roosevelt to Wilmot and then down Brooklawn to the house. The Cycle-computer said the route was 15.071, but it also said my top speed was 55.8mph, so there must have been some HR monitor interference somewhere that messed up the mph and total miles.)

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:30am, wake at 9:00am)

Mood: tired, but motivated

Physical: a little tired in the legs from my run on Thursday (damn I'm out of shape!)

Clothes: new black bike-shorts, black compression shirt, blue Pearl-Izumi jacket (perfect)
