Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

21.2 mi


16.25 mi / hr


192 lb
153 bpm
172 bpm
52 bpm


73 F


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 41:01, Distance: 10.592, average speed: 15.49

Temp: 65° AVG HR: 151, MAX: 166

I actually stuck to my plan today, despite the fact that the weather forecast was for thunderstorms. I started this ride with no 'workout' plans, just wanted a nice ride to work. I ended up working pretty hard, because I felt tired and out of shape. My HR wasn't too high, but higher than I wanted it, and it felt like work. I was actually pretty whipped by the time I got to work. Not terrible, just felt tired. Good ride though, nice and cool, no problems.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 37:17, Distance: 10.620, average speed: 17.09

Temp: 73° AVG HR: 155, MAX: 172

I got out of work late today, and was a little worried that the weather was going to suck, but was treated to a beautiful day. It was sunny, with big puffy clouds and 73º. Perfect weather for a ride.

I was in a mood to do a little bit more of a workout on the way home, so I pushed a little harder. I was feeling pretty tired though, so it was only half-hearted. I enjoyed the ride, but I definitely felt all the bad parts. My back was hurting, I couldn't keep my arms in the right place, I had a constant dry-mouth sensation... A good ride though.

Sleep: decent (bed at 10:00pm, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: a bit on the out of sorts side

Physical: no complaints, just a little tired

Clothes: (to work) black shorts, yellow 'firecracker' shortsleeve (perfect)

(back home) shorts, yellow 'firecracker' shortsleeve (perfect)
